Live Stream webfodder1 June 17, 2022

Plymouth PhilharmonicConcert Live Stream
Beginning at 7:30 PM July 5

The Esther and Alcide Ruffini Fourth of July Concert

Broadcast live from Pilgrim Memorial State Park, DCR
7:30 PM on July 4th  July 5th

Steven Karidoyanes, conductor

The Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra kicks off its 108th season in grand style, performing The Esther and Alcide Ruffini Fourth of July Concert, a free-to-the-public Independence Day celebration.

Performance highlights include actor Marianne Leone, who played Joanne Moltisanti on The Sopranos, reading excerpts from the Declaration of Independence accompanied by a lush symphonic score: Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and a medley of music titled “A Salute to Ol’ Blue Eyes” commemorating the death of singer Frank Sinatra 25 years ago this spring.  

The Phil’s July 4th concert also will feature music from two films that debuted 30 years ago this year.  The works, both written by composer John Williams, include the theme from Schindler’s List and will feature the Phil’s concertmaster, Ana-Maria LaPointe, as the violin soloist.  Then, in a complete turn of tone, the orchestra will present highlights from the Jurassic Park soundtrack.  “No two John Williams film scores could be further apart in style, and they were composed almost simultaneously,” Plymouth Phil Music Director Steven Karidoyanes said.  

The concert marks the beginning of the Phil’s 108th season as well as Karidoyanes’ 30th year leading the orchestra.  

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Esther and Alcide Ruffini and the Ruffini Charitable Trust
James Spooner Trust
Town of Plymouth Promotions Fund
WATD, 95.9-FM 
PACTV, Plymouth Area Community Access Television
The 108th Season of the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra is funded in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency
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